vrijdag 8 november 2013

Een nieuw EU 5 jaren plan voor asielzoekers en immigratie

Het 5 jarige Stockholm programma voor Binnenlandse EU zaken loopt in 2014 af en de EU bezint zich op een nieuw meerjarenplan.
Iedereen kon zijn ideeën insturen en voor de RMP stuurde ik het volgende bericht, omdat immigratie en asielzoekers het belangrijkste item is in dit meerjarenplan:

Dear readers,

Spreading asylum seekers honestly within the EU, means that their total number for the Netherlands must be a fraction of the total number for France.
France has 114 inhabitants on square km land, the Netherlands counts 450 inhabitants on a square km land.
In 2013 France had 56,000 asylum applications. France is 25 times larger in area than the Netherlands. In mountains is difficult to live, after they are deducted France is at least 15 times larger than the Netherlands.
Based on this figures, our quota can be calculated as follows:

  (56,000 / 15) / (450/114) = 975 applications per year.
In 2012 the Netherlands has just over 10,000 asylum applications and that was for our country already disproportionately.
In 2013 are expected to be submitted 17,000 applications for asylum. Ludicrous.

We want that the new policy on asylum seekers for the next 5 years will be based on the numbers of inhabitants on a square km that a country already has.
The same policy we want for other immigrations

All because our overpopulation is our biggest problem.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Van Herwijnen
Chairman of the Republican Moderne Party

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